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kott/kott (CD)



kott 1st album「kott」(CD) PEM-012 2023/6/21発売 販売中 1.光の足跡/ light cruising 2.渦/ reflection 3.風切音/ wind sound 4.白夜の踊り子/ night dance 5.白煙の地下室/ cave 6.光/ reject 7.波のない海/ deep sea's stardust 8.解放/ dive ※本ストアはCD4枚までは同梱で185円でお送りできます ■アーティスト情報 kott(コット) Kyoto experimental piano trio 元jizueのドラマー粉川心の呼びかけにより、それぞれソロアーティストとして独自の表現を追求していた岡田康孝、高橋賢一らと同世代の即興音楽家3人で2021年に結成。 限り無く美しい異世界の景色から、混沌の奥深くにある残酷な狂気まで強烈な振り幅を持ち、更に原始から続く多様なダンスミュージックを飲み込んで、様々な色彩を描き放つ3人の音像は、聴衆を非現実な世界へと連れ去る力を持つ稀有なバンドとして高い評価を得ている kott Kyoto experimental piano trio Former jizue (band) drummer Shin Kok awa called for the formation of the Kyoto Experimental Piano Trio in 2021 by three improvisational musicians of the same generation as Yasutaka Okada and Kenichi Takahashi, each of whom had been pursuing their own expression as solo artists. The soundscape of the three members, which has an intense range from the infinitely beautiful scenery of another world to the cruel madness that exist deep in the chaos, and which also takes various dance music from the primitive age and paints variety of colors, has gained high reputation as a rare band that has the power to take the audience away to an unreal world.
