01. inferno paradiso
02. belarus
03. i hope
04. cold hands
05. dead horse running
06. silver snow fall
07. omen she brings
08. 6 years
09. purgatrio
2002年活動開始。 音響、ノイズ、不協音、轟音と言ったファクターを取り入れながら、 静と動で創りあげられる独自の世界観をインストゥルメンタルにて表現。
結成当初より自主企画や盟友「OVUM」との共同企画”amber dawn”(インストゥメンタルアーティストのみ出演)を開催し多くの反響を呼ぶ。
2007年に開催した企画「CLOSER」は新宿MARZ、MOTIONにて、2会場往来自由と言う体制で全11バンドが出演し、盛況に終了。 第2弾を同年11月に東名阪にて開催。
「KINSKI」「BELLINI」「SHIPPING NEWS」「Adebisi Shank」、「Saxon Shore」といった、海外アーティストの国内ツアーのサポートを勤める。
また、海外での活動を積極的に行い続けるMONOとの出逢いから、彼らのレーベルhuman highway records初となる、国内アーティストによるコンピレーション「THE MIXING OF LANDSCAPE」へ参加(2005年)。 これまでに自主製作盤のEP2作品とオム二バス盤2作品に参加。
They started their activities in 2002. Incorporating factors such as sound, noise, dissonance, and roaring noise, they express their unique worldview through instrumental music, creating a blend of tranquility and intensity. Since their formation, they have organized independent events and collaborated with their close ally "OVUM" in the joint project "amber dawn" (featuring instrumental artists only), which has received significant attention.
In 2007, they held the event "CLOSER" at Shinjuku MARZ and MOTION, where a total of 11 bands performed in a system that allowed free movement between the two venues, resulting in a great success. The second installment took place in November of the same year in Tokyo, Nagoya, and Osaka.
They have supported the domestic tours of overseas artists such as "KINSKI," "BELLINI," "SHIPPING NEWS," "Adebisi Shank," and "Saxon Shore." Additionally, through their encounter with MONO, who actively pursue activities overseas, they participated in "THE MIXING OF LANDSCAPE," a compilation album featuring domestic artists, which marked the debut release of MONO's label, human highway records (2005). They have also contributed to two self-produced EPs and two compilation albums.